Camp Families 4-Week Session

4-Week Session

Four-Week Sessions

The Deer Crossing program is built around a two-week rhythm, but a four-week session (the standard length back East) is much more than two, two-week sessions back to back. Campers get more time to develop skills in their chosen activities of course, and many of our best climbers, sailors, and kayakers come for four weeks. They get to choose two different out-trips whether canoeing, rock climbing, or backpacking (to different areas). The biggest difference is the opportunity to develop significantly greater independence and self-confidence.

Many of us are familiar with the time it takes to transition from a busy time at home to vacation mode. It takes multiple days for the body to adjust physically and mentally. With four weeks, campers get through that transition, settle into camp routine, and still have time to try multiple activities while diving deeply into a couple. The four-week time frame also helps build the self-reliance for successful transitions to college, etc.

Your four weeks at Deer Crossing are packed with everything that camp has to offer: tons of activities, campfire, whitewater rafting, out-trips, and more. Campers attending four weeks sessions may stay at camp between the sessions. Parents can also pick up their camper at the end of their first two weeks and return them to Loon Lake the next day for their second two weeks.

Here is the basic schedule of our four-week sessions.


Four week session schedule 
Week 1
SundayArrive, hike in, orientation
MondaySwim test, activities
SaturdayActivities, campfire
Week 2
SundayRest day: sleep in, brunch, no activities, open beach
MondayActivities, whitewater rafting
TuesdayActivities, Out-trip prep
FridayOut-trips return, End of session BBQ
SaturdayIndividual activities (Departure day for 2-week campers)
Week 3
SundayRest day: sleep in, brunch, individual activities (Connect with new campers in evening)
Monday-FridayIntermediate-Advanced Activities
SaturdayActivities, campfire
Week 4
SundayRest day: sleep in, brunch, no activities, open beach
MondayActivities, whitewater rafting
TuesdayActivities, Out-trip prep
FridayOut-trips return, End of session BBQ
SaturdayDeparture day, hike out

See Dates & Rates for session dates.